Digital Fingerprinting

Digital Fingerprinting

Do you need a fast and accurate way to capture and store your fingerprints for employment or licensing purposes? Look no further than digital fingerprinting services offered at Mail Boxes Times. Our advanced livescan technology and classic ink fingerprinting service guarantee that your fingerprints are recorded swiftly and precisely, with results obtainable almost instantly.

What is Digital Fingerprinting?

Digital fingerprinting is a modern method of capturing and storing fingerprints using electronic technology. Unlike traditional ink fingerprinting, which requires ink and paper, digital fingerprinting uses an electronic device to capture a digital image of your fingerprints. This image is then stored in a secure database and can be accessed by authorized parties, such as law enforcement agencies and employers.

Why Choose Digital Fingerprinting?

Digital fingerprinting offers many advantages over traditional ink fingerprinting. It is faster and more efficient, taking less time to capture your fingerprints and providing results almost instantly. It is also more accurate, capturing a more detailed image of your fingerprints that is easier to identify and analyze.

In addition, digital fingerprinting is a more hygienic option as it doesn’t involve ink or paper. This is especially important in today’s world, where health and safety protocols are more important than ever before. It also eliminates the possibility of ink smudging or smearing, which can affect the accuracy of the fingerprint image.

What is Livescan?

Livescan is a type of digital fingerprinting technology that we use at our Beverly Hills location. It involves working with a digital scanner to make a digital copy of your fingerprints, which is then transmitted to a secure database for storage and analysis. Livescan is faster and more accurate than traditional ink fingerprinting, making it the preferred method for many employers and licensing agencies.

What is Ink Fingerprinting?

While digital fingerprinting is the preferred method for most purposes, ink fingerprinting is still required in certain situations. For example, some government agencies require ink fingerprinting for certain types of licenses or permits. At our Beverly Hills location, we offer both digital fingerprinting and ink fingerprinting services to ensure that we can meet all our clients’ needs.

Our ink fingerprinting services use traditional methods of capturing fingerprints using ink and paper. We use high-quality fingerprinting ink and paper to ensure that the fingerprints captured are of the highest quality. Our ink fingerprinting services are also available for FBI fingerprinting.

Our Digital Fingerprinting Services

Our Beverly Hills location offers a range of digital fingerprinting services to meet your needs. Whether you require fingerprinting for employment, licensing, or other purposes, our state-of-the-art Livescan technology and ink fingerprinting services ensure that your fingerprints are captured quickly and accurately. We also offer FBI fingerprinting services, providing you with a detailed report of your criminal history for employment and licensing purposes.

Contact Us Today

If you need digital fingerprinting services in Beverly Hills, including ink fingerprinting and Livescan Beverly Hills area, look no further than our experienced and professional team here at Mail Boxes Times. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our services. We are committed to providing you with the highest level of accuracy and confidentiality, ensuring that your fingerprints are stored securely and only accessed by authorized parties.