Tag Archives: Business Service

How to Properly Pack a Box for Shipping

There are ways to pack a box that can increase and decrease your final cost, as well as ways that increase and decrease the safety of your items. Here are some tips to help you get your shipment to its destination as affordably and safely as possible. Make what you’re sending as small as possible […]


Container Truck Ship

Who Should You Use for Shipping?

Many shipping companies exist, but nowadays most people only know of four main providers: USPS, FedEx, UPS, and DHL. Anyone wanting to ship will want to know what the best choice is, and the short answer is “it depends”. USPS (United States Postal Service) This is an independent agency of the United States federal government, and we’ve all grown […]

Fingerprinting, Livescan and Passports: Why You Might Need Them

Fingerprinting, livescan, and passports can be useful identity check measures, and a passport is an essential piece of identification specifically for travel. Apart from that, why would you need a passport? And why would you need fingerprinting or a livescan? These essential pieces of official government identification actually have a wide variety of uses beyond […]


outsourcing, business services

5 Essential Services Every Business Should Outsource

Outsourcing allows businesses, especially small businesses, to focus more time and energy on what they do best. Outsourcing means that you hire external companies or individuals to take care of certain aspects of your business for you. This can be useful if you’re not an expert in those particular areas, such as accounting or information […]

Advantages of a Mobile Notary

Notarization is an essential service we all need at some point. However, locating a notary when you need one can be a challenge. The obvious solution is to have the notary come to you! There are a number of advantages to a mobile notary service to make your business or personal tasks and errands easier […]

mobile notary public paperwork

Mobile Notary

3 Business Services You Should Always Outsource

When you’re running a small business, it can often feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions. As well as providing your unique products or service, you have to coordinate business operations, manage staff, organize accounts, promote and market your business and finalize the paperwork. Take some of the burden off yourself by outsourcing […]