Where to Copy Keys in Los Angeles

Key copying is one of the responsibilities most homeowners tend to forget. They either delay getting copy keys up until the need for a spare key arises. 

This should not be the case. Having a spare key should be a priority as soon as you get your hand on your keys. Similar to having a spare tire, or a backup battery, having a spare key can save you from a lot of trouble.

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Advantages of Having Your Keys Duplicated

There are a few advantages of having your keys duplicated: 

1) You always have a spare key in case you lose your original one. With our busy and fast-paced life, it is pretty normal to forget about the little things, such as keys. This is one of the main reasons why brands like Apple created devices like the Apple tag. It allows you to attach these devices to your wallet, your keys, your pets, or to any other important material possession that you have and may end up misplacing or losing. However, not all keys enjoy the luxury of having a digital tag attached to them. When you lose them, you may end up losing them forever. Having copy keys saves you from the hassles and stress of losing your original keys.

2) You don’t have to worry about being locked out of your home or car. In a  hurry and ended up leaving your car keys in the ignition? Breaking your car window is never a good idea. Having an extra key in your bag or at home guarantees that you will never be locked out of your property.

3) It’s a lot cheaper and easier than having to replace your locks or get a new car key made. Getting your keys copied is way cheaper than having to replace your lock, break your door or window, or get help from a locksmith.

How Long Does It Take to Have a Key Copied?

In most cases, it only takes a few minutes to have a key copied. However, if you have a special key made, such as a high-security key, it could take longer.

Even with a maximum of twenty-five minutes to get an average type of key copied, some homeowners still fail to do so. Thus, when faced with the dilemma of a lost key or a broken key, they may have to hire a locksmith. Locksmith house calls can cost you anywhere from $30 to $150 in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, the typical cost of having a key copied is no more than $3. That’s obvious savings on your end.

Getting Copy Keys in Los Angeles

There are many places to copy keys in Los Angeles. Some places are better than others, depending on your needs. For example, if you need to copy a key for your car, you will likely want to go to a locksmith or dealership. If you need to copy a key for your home, you may want to go to a hardware store. 

Copy key machines are also available at stores such as Office Depot or Staples. The type of key you need will dictate where the best place to copy it is. However, there are many options available, so you should be able to find a place that meets your needs.

It’s always a hassle when you move to a new place and have to track down a good key copy service. And it’s even harder if you don’t live in the same city as your business.

Mail Boxes Times is here to help. We’re one of the most trusted key copy services in Los Angeles, and we offer a wide range of other business services that you’ll find helpful. Contact us at (310) 276-5076 to learn more about our products and services!