Why You Need a Private Mailbox Rental This Holiday Season

Do you need to get a package securely delivered this holiday season? Do you want the peace of mind that comes with knowing your mail and packages will be safe from thieves and vandals? Are you tired of having to deal with dodging muddy puddles on the sidewalks in front of your home during winter months? If so, participating in the “private mailbox rental holiday season” is what you need! Read on to learn more about why these secure mailboxes are lifesaving for homeowners in time, convenience, and money! 

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Save Time with a Private Mailbox Service

Believe it or not, a private mailbox service can save you hours of time per month.

  • No risk of the package being left outside and then getting stolen or damaged
  • No chance that your package will wind up in the wrong mailbox and be either posted back by the post office or just never delivered
  • Eliminates all those trips back and forth from home during the day to check for packages, since you’re notified before they arrive
  • Reliably keeps your mail organized in one place

Convenience is Key During the Holidays

No more waiting at the window for the delivery truck! When your package arrives, you’ll know exactly when, because your private mailbox rental will let you know by text. Accessible 24 hours a day, every day of the year, private mailboxes are always reachable and always safe. Instead of worrying about getting home in time from the holiday party to bring your package in, know that your package is safe with your private mailbox rental. 

A Private Mailbox Rental Near Me Can Help Me Save Money

Did you know that renting a private mailbox can actually save you money? It’s true – private mailbox rental companies actually pay less than the standard private carrier rates because they don’t have to hire employees to physically run their private delivery service! Plus, when you’re renting a private mailbox in an extremely convenient location for you, this means that it’s much more likely your mail and packages will get there quickly and efficiently. Also enjoy lower fuel costs because you no longer have to drive back and forth to pick up your private mail. 

Enjoy Better Security This “Private Mailbox Rental Holiday Season”

One of the great advantages to a private mailbox rental is that your mail is much more secure! Private mailboxes have a physical address and need to be picked up by a USPS carrier—while anyone can steal what comes out of a mailbox, it is far more difficult for someone targeting an individual to access the contents of a private mailbox. 

Mailbox Rentals Available in Beverly Hills

Mail Boxes Times offers private mailbox rental with excellent security and 24 hour access at a prestigious Beverly Hills address. Our mailbox sizes range from small to large, and they can be used for personal or business purposes. Give us a call at (310) 276-5076 or email us at info@mailboxestimes.com to learn more about what we can do for you.